Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Oddly enough, my recent TV project on SACRED DANCES is a topic in the latest issue of CIRCLE MAGAZINE in which several interesting articles appear, among which is one on ATS BELLYDANCE,which is AMERICAN TRIBAL STYLE,apparently created in the 1970's..I mention this because I am planning a TV project on NATIVE AMERICAN SACRED DANCES and also on NATIVE AMERICAN WEAPONS very soon....as a POW WOW is coming up next month in July...... ATS BELLYDANCE incorporates all the usual basic moves along with some innovations and additions too numerous to mention..... An important but bried article on GATHERINGS: POW WOW ETIQUETTE is also in this magazine issue and should be read by those who have not attended any such gatherings before or who plan to do so, even if they have previously attended, to have a reminder of things.... An interesting article on THE DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS is also included in this magazine which is something most people have great misconceptions about,particularly the history of this....
Thursday, June 23, 2011
'DANCE FOR THE CURE' is an old TAOIST/DAOIST belief and practice for health and disease treatment, along with Diet and Herbal Ways. Those of you who have heard of 'THE DANCING WU MASTERS' the title of a popular book may have some slight inkling of what such means...... Those of you immersed in some sort of TAI CHI form or practice, stylized or free form, should realize the relation of this ANCIENT ART to DANCING(SACRED & PROFANE)....BUT....TAI CHI is NOT a dance for audience viewing because its 'content' cannot be discussed by passive viewers or observers, especially those who do not move or understand some of the 'theory' or 'classics'.... TAI CHI is a VITAL FORCE and NOT A LIFE FORCE but this distinction is better realized in the actual practice of Tai Chi and QIGONG.....
COSMIC DRUMMING is COSMIC VIBRATION & COSMIC RHYTHM.... When you beat upon a drum or some surfaceand make a sount,THE UNIVERSE RESPONDS-even to a shiwper or the whirr of wings-whether that of birds or butterflys........
IMAGES will remain BRAIN VIVID long after words, terms, phrases, and numbers have been forgotten,even though teh world believes these ABSTRACTIONS, these SYMBOLS,etc. are more imporant........LIFE is, quite often, a RESPONSE to IMAGES-VISUAL, AUDITORY, SENSORY, OLFACTORY,ETC. and derived from teh FIVE SENSES and possibly the SIXTH!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
There are a numbe rof controversies raging everywhere over certainnotions that particular peoples hold and which have strong emotional reactions which often border on the irrational when aroused. That is, some people are willing to either kill for or over or to die for and over. We usually think of political and economic reasons but there are cultural/ethnic ones which many moderns and contemproary peoples ignore or tend to dismiss.... Three such areas recently brought to my attention are: CUISINE,BELLY DANCING(& dancing in general), & MARTIAL ARTS(especially pentjak-silat-kuntao, among others). The latter controversy comes from considering SILAT as ISLAMIC in origins and,therefore,not allowed to be taught or learned by those who are not ISLAMIC,despite the fact such has been, still is, and will be taught to 'outsiders' 'non-Islamic' peoples, and foreigners.... Many of the various tribes in some of the Islamic areas, such as, Indonesia, are not Islamic,of course. The same controversy for CUISINE comes from considering foods under specific ethnic/national identities, such as, for example, running "Italian" restaurants or manufacturing spaghetti and similar things by non-Italian companies or by companies not in Italy...The same can be said for CHINESE CUISINE or Chinese food,especially commercial convenience frozen foods...WHAT IS AUTHENTIC ABOUT IT? Hungry people who eat any of it don't really care...... NOW, comes BELLY DANCING which many consider 'ISLAMIC' despite the fact its possible origins are non-Islamic-that is, from Ancient Egypt,Mesopotamia, Crete,Greece and elswhere. Also the other misconception people have about is that the NEAR EAST is all Islamic or Arabic, except for Israel. Concerns over teh minutiae of Belly Dancing arts will not enhance its status among those dancers or people looking for 'some good exercise', 'social entertainment' or 'sensual-erotic arousal' per se as those seeking such already have closed minds. To open the doors of deeper perception, a higher emphasis is perhaps needed and higher aimsconsidered but such is not likely to happen it would seem. In Belly Dancing, style tends to surpass substance, despite 'good' intentions. The crowds and the mobs will storm, rage, yell & shout, as usual for the 'crucifixion'....so be it...
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
THE 'SEARCH FOR SACRED DANCE(S)' has been also a search for 'SACRED MUSIC'
but neither have, as yet, been of the depth or of the scale really needed to arrive at what might be called, 'THE DIVINE SOURCE' for many aspects of music and dance have to be left behind or ignored or one cannot reach such a goal. The 'glamour' of both dance and music can ensnare the most ardent seeker, misdirect his aims or keep him from an experience of REALITY. In my examination of THE FOURTH WAY, which began years ago, I recall Ouspensky writing in his 'SEARCH FOR THE MIRACULOUS' finding a notice in a newspaper about a ballet titled,'TEH STRUGGLE OF THE MAGICIANS' which led him eventually to Gurdjieff.Ouspensky had returned from India and gave a series of lectures on his trips as well as writing articles on them for papers and journals. I mention this because, upon seeing a photo and an article on a Belly Dance Group and a new studio opening, I, too, have become aware of 'sacred dance & sacred music',even though I had been abroad in areas where such perhaps originated,right here and near where I live.... Due to globalization of nearly everything and electronic communication(usually superficial) as well as listening to the music Gurdjieff recorded and composed that are now available, I am now on a QUEST as a public access TV project and wish to explore other areas of personal interest along this line and similar lines. Whether or not others will look along this line of endeavor I do not knwo and where it will take me I do not know. Of course, "Going to Egypt & other lands) has long been a goal of mine but lack of funds prevents me plus huge bills accumulated from both daily and usual living weight heavily on my aims and ambitions and goals,etc. My ignorance of both music and dance,enormous as it is, as well as of art and languages and most everything else as well prevent me from making much headway along these lines....
At the recent workshop on SACRED DANCE and Its HISTORY,a 'movement' ritual along with exercises was given. Since I was not versed in the movements and the ritual, beyond a certain level, it was really an exercise for me, and I had not done many things for exercise of late....so I allowed my body to imitate the Teacher, a Dancer and a Historian, and to become 'absorbed' into the proceedings with a group that was active, nubile, mobile, flexible, and focused.......I soon became aware of several things aside from the usual breathing needed and the patterns of weaving, bending, moving, etc. that went on in semi-darkness to various recorded music and songs.....all under the guidance of the Teacher...... In many dances and movements of special kinds, principles of Ancient Knowledge, science, are embedded and this comprises 'a special language'..We assume postures and attitudes and carry them with us and in such 'events' we often resort to these and parade them about, but usually based on our past experiences with them in our 'comfort zones' and so we do not attempt to get beyond these......or break out of them..... In this respect, my participation in all this, being the only male present, was a way to escape the automatisms of my daily life....to a newer possibility of thinking, feeling, and action..... In this environment, at this event, I allowed my body the freedom to move in the ways and directions that the Teacher, the Leader, directed and led us,rather than allow myself to 'resist' or view from the sidelines...though I did not know exactly where all this would end up.... For anyone who might have looked in at this from the outside, like casual passersby, it might have seemed to them like some kind of 'frenzy',with cavorting and frolicing, twisting and turning, jumping and singing and shoutin now and then, plus a lot of other imposed conceptions that fill such minds...... To the more imaginative, it might have seemed like ancient dances from Greece or other Pagan areas, with a spot of 'witchcraft' or Wicca or 'Gypsy' in them, and other somewhat 'new age' doings......But whatever was culled out of the past and ancient times, certainly added to the affair and raised the intensity levels for most of the participants...... BODY RESISTENCE is something most of us experience in learning new things, whether skills, sports, cooking, dancing, martial arts, or canoeing,hiking, bicycling, or walking dogs or whatever...cutting grass, hammering a nail, picking up papers and trash, or any other activity and most of us attempt to do things with the least amount of effort along the line of least resistance......the usual, ordinary way....so is it any wonder why things remain as they are? We seldom make 'real' efforts and rarely 'super-efforts' and we do not have the control of the body that we seek..the body resists, runs away from exertions, and it is this body that we have to begin everything in life with.....but we tend to ignore this fact.... So if thoughts and emotions arise in these things we need to establish connections for them to the body otherwise, our efforts evaporate and more so if we do not continue, follow up with 'correct' practice or 'right' practice, which is always uncertain and unsteady....despite claims otherwise for most people who attempt such with guidance..or direction or intensity, which individuals find hard to maintain without a leader or guide..... As this is a difficult topic to discuss as is needed, I shall defer for a time and 'recover' my thoughts and emotions and bodily memory of this event that I attended as best I can....... `
Monday, June 6, 2011
Conflict and strife have long been themes in literature, music,art, and dance, among other things.....this 'dualistic' aspect of all things, whether NATURE, GOD, MAN or LIFE, as well as innumerable other 'words','categories','principles', 'ideas' etc. seem to come from our divided brain, which,in reality seems to be TRIPARTITE.... 'THE STRUGGLE OF THE MAGICIANS' is the title of a 'ballet'/'revue' that the late G.I. GURDJIEFF attempted to produce, stage, and present in various places, according to accounts that I have read and which somewhat conflict as might be expected, when people give opinions over facts, which I may well be accused of doing here..... The Egyptian 'myths','legends', and 'carvings in various temples, tell of the ancient 'gods' OSIRIS & ISIS and of their 'brother' SET(SEth?) who was jealous of OSIRIS who married his sister,something that contemporary people, who are often the result of such relationships(long in the primeval past) do not understand or else mis-understand....and about which there have been innumerable books written and various laws and other things enacted to prevent such relationships.... On an ancient,'primitive', 'mystical' and even 'occult' perspective or level or scale, such 'incest' can be overlooked for the sake of 'academic' discussion(s)...along with other 'verboten' subjects.... In its ancient form of drama and epic, saga and myth, the death of Osiris, who is killed and mutilated by Set represents the 'struggle of the Magicians' and the battle between 'good & evil', 'light & darkness', and Jesus & Satan among other examples that will sometimes easily fit into the provided slots for substitutions.... This is not to say that Gurdjieff who had been in Egypt,Nubia, and Abyssinia, as well as other places, simply based everything on this legend or some similar in nature....and those who listen to the music proposed for this will soon see that this was not the case.....The dance(s) of 'THE STRUGGLE', of course, a Woman, and the struggle is over winning her love or favors or to possess her...whether from love of love or love of power..... Gurdjieff, however, had the same dancers of 'good' and 'evil' dance the two parts which were diametrically opposed to each other, containing things that would reveal certain things to those who did the dances as instructed....precision was important and demanded....mathematical exactitude rather than mere subjective cavorting and romping about as is done in most dance venues in modern times these days.... At this time, I do not wish to discuss this topic beyond what I have stated here........
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Rhythm,Vibration,Wave, and Impulse are the basis of the ENERGETIC ARTS and flood the atmosphere, the Universe,so that we can see nearly all existence as a 'COSMIC DANCE' or a 'SACRED SOUND"(MUSIC). Only those sounds and vibrations, motions and flows, that penetrate to our very 'core' and impress and influence us are the more important-but whre to find such and possess the special organs to perceive them? Cafes and other social venues may seem lively plac es for most of mankind, but ask yourselves from all such what have you learned or retained that will lead you to 'immortality', to a 'higher dimension' or brought 'Divine Love' to manifestation? If I do not question my various impulses, habits, attractions, as well as my failures and weaknesses,faults and repulsions, or obseerve them in daily action, how can I say I have done anything in LIFE? Yet people do this in everday life, allow time to 'devour' them and accidents overtake them and never realized the significance of Life on Earth.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
SACRED DANCES are always movements towards THE DIVINE even in the most worldly and profane places.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
MY PROJECT-THE QUEST-for public access TV
One of my 'projects' is to make a Television presentation of certain aspects of 'SACRED DANCE' beginning with the dance9s) and music of what has come to be called, 'BELLY DANCE" or 'BELLY DANCING', which in the popular, modern mind does not appear to have anything in it beyond the attractions of sensual/senuous/erotic music and movements that so occupy the contemporary minds of people around the world. Commercialism and globalization of nearly all things, once considered 'traditional', 'sacred','mystical', 'religous' or 'tribal' or 'folkloric' in nature have become fertile situations for all forms of media.....but the 'esoteric' aspects still tend to elude those who attempt to explain and study such at much deeper levels and on perhaps more intimate scales than what are available presently...... Most persons, even those involved in the dissemination of information and arcane meanings and practices, will tend to ignore and dismiss such things and,like so many other topics, will relegate them to the 'curious, the unusual, or the entertaining...... Though such is the case perhaps, still one hopes and wonders if there is a future for mankind on this planet that will endure and not end up destroyed. It may well be that 'sacred dances and sacred music' will be part of this transformation and transmutation of man and enable him to attain his(her) highest aim....
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Various orchestras in the Near East have an array of special instruments that only a few Western ears have appreciated over the centuries....nowadays, such music is readily available through recordings of various kinds,which used to be restricted mostly to records, discs of materials no longer used and of various sizes and speeds, familiar to those, like myself, who grew up with such. Wire/tape recorders also helped in this making of 'ethnic','folk', 'traditional' and 'tribal' music available to larger audiences, even if they neither understood or appreciated such, and there are many examples of the 'public's fickle' taste, if not ignorance. Live performances of traditional musics of all kinds usually do not fit the present-day commercial environments unless they are educated, such as, in college and university venues, which do not reach the general public or the 'man on the street' or 'the hermit in the cave' or 'the old farmer' who used to listen to the radio in its 'golden years', like myself.... The Oud or Ud caught my attention years ago when I purchased a 33 speed record(LP) of it and which I still have but have not played for many years...I never attempted to learn any instruments myself, though as a small kid I used to have notions about guitars when others wanted me to consider the violin or 'fiddle' or make me learn to read music and notes before attempting to play, by ear, which was considered by some a 'nono' although my late Uncle Dube, my mother's brother, could play the fiddle by ear and played in a band of sorts in his early days before WWII... Yesterday, I visited Borders which is downsizing its materials and bought some CDs of music: mostly 'belly-dance' of which I shall mention at some other time and discuss, as I am working on a 'TV project about Belly Dance'. I came across a CD entitled 'THE BEST OF ARMENIAN FOLK MUSIC' with Richard A.Hagopian, which I immediately snatched up, having known some Armenians in my youn ger days and also having been intriqued by their 'alphabet' that unusual 'looping' script that only they seem able to read...... If those of you who recall my fondness for things 'GURDJIEFFIAN' you will be also aware that his mother was Armenian and he lived in what was part of Armenia and refers to several things in his book entitled MEETINGS WITH REMARKABLE MEN that concern Armenia which was at one time a separate 'nation/kingdom' until taken over by the Turks and Russians,etc......but I shall not go into the masscre of them....except to say I had a friend who escaped such and jumped ship in Marsailles, France along with some other refuggees at the time and came to this country where he became a cook in a local restaurant where my mother waitressed and became good friends with him and the Greeks who ran it......it was called 'THE PLEASANT SWEET(SUITE) and was on Pleasant Street for many years......now long gone.... I cannot describe the listening to this music but it does have some things in common with Arabic,Turkish,Greek and Persian music, which includes many other areas, extending to India and beyond to some extent....Hagopian, was known to me before but I have not any specific recordings by his efforts, until now...... Much mention of the 'Greek' aspect of Gurdjieff's life has been made but not enough, in my estimation, about his 'Armenian' side, which is some respects, may be partly the reasons for his 'dualisms' and his conflict with 'Yes' and 'No' and his presentations of struggle in various forms and in the dances....when I was in college, I became aware of this 'cultural diversity/division' between Greeks and Armenians who were in my student circle and dormitory at UNH but i did not succumb to taking either side but looked at each for the persons they were,at least as my meager understanding of life at that time would allow me to do so......but the basic enmity could not be ignored...which made me wonder why G's father married an Armenian...but then she was 'a remarkable person, a remarkable womman' and the mother of GURDJIEFF, a 'remarkable man' himself to say the very least.........This fusion of two ancient cultures is probably one reason why G insisted on the 'union of East & Weat' in the manner in which he did.....which i shall not explore here beyond this assumption on my part..... I,however, feel that ARMENIAN MUSIC had a greater influence on Gurdjieff's music and writings and other things than most realize but I have no real proof that it did so...at this time....Many have assumed it was dervish dancing, Turkish music, and other Asian melodies and the like that worked their way into his creations perhaps....He, of course, was influenced by Russia and Russian Church Religion and the like and was buried with RUSSIAN ORTHODOX ceremonies although some say, Greek Orthodox, but the similarities and connections be tween these and some of the more ancient religions of the Near East and Early Christianity cannot be overlooked and, in fact, some of the pre-Christian/pagan beliefs and music are involved......but tracing the music is perhaps easier than doing the doctrines, concepts, practices, etc. of such.....GURDJIEFF only gives hints in his sytem about all this, which is controversial for many...
Monday, May 16, 2011
Mixing these two in the usual, ordinary way always leads to a "disaster', a 'failure', and the ultimate loss of one's AIM. SECULAR DANCES devoted to the arousal and arousing of sensual, lustful desires or certain 'erotic' tendencies,etc. have consequences few realize.... It is not a question,as some think or believe, of the popular notions of 'sin'(which means essentially, 'missing the mark(goal,aim,etc.), or some other social/cultural/economic/political,etc. ill. Nevertheless, to dance one has to pay 'THE PIPER' or 'THE FIDDLER" or march to the beat of 'THE DRUMMER'(as in war and death).... But it is the dissipation and dispersal of energies that are vital for 'immorality' which, when so squandered, erode certain 'elements' needed for 'soul creation' and which also re-inforce mechanical tendencies and patterns which characterize much of modern life everywhere on earth...all of which are so rapidly and effectively communicated into the psyches of modern, contemporary peoples.....
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sacred Dances conceal many esoteric and arcane aspects, which many see as 'symbolic' and if one can read the 'motions' and 'patterns' in these one can learn a lot, no doubt, but you require a 'key' to open most of the 'locks' or a Teacher who can point them out to you if he is willing. Dances of all kinds, ancient or modern, contemporary or 'free-style',whatever, are usually viewed as 'EXPRESSION' meaning that the movements as well as some of the music that may accompany such, are 'expressive' of emotions, ideas of beauty, feelings, and a great way to exercise....and so forth....all in their essence, SUBJECTIVE.....no one looks for 'secret' knowledge' or 'esoteric' ideas, or 'special states that might be aroused if one does the dances or participates in some way,etc." Dances are seen as 'wonderful entertainment', ways to arouse and stimulate 'emotions' and pleasurable 'sensations' and when done OBJECTIVELY with full POWER OF VIBRATIONS they certainly can achieve this.....for example, rousing 'martial music', 'military bands' and the like plunge people into patriotic pathways they otherwise would avoid,neglect, or enter into with a frenzy ready to kill everyone of the 'enemy' etc. Ceremonial music is another aspect of such things but music and dance need not be intimate or connected....except by rhythm.....of which the body has its own varieties as does GREAT NATURE from which all such derives and in turn comes from the COSMOS or UNIVERSE(S)...POSSIBLY OTHER DIMENSIONS....and dances can certainly open up some 'dimensions' now and then....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
My brief forays into SACRED DANCES and its companion SACRED MUSIC have led me to several conclusions that I wish to share on this blog. Let me say at the very outset I am not an expert in such or on such, despite what some might think or suggest. For one thing, I have the proverbial 'two left feet','can't carry a tune in a bucket' or play a musical instrument or read music, so I am musically and dance handicapped....Listen and Watch might be a better description of my abilities. Nevertheless, SACRED DANCE is as old as man, in the form we know him to be, and probably was prior to this form by more ancient ones. What the future forms of man, if any, will bring, one can only surmise given history thus far. Regardless, THE UNIVERSE,THE COSMOS, GREAT NATURE, and the Human Body all 'dance' and 'sing' in some way, usually not acknowledged or recognized by the various 'intellectuals' and 'academics' and otehrs with axes to grind. In fact, both Sacred Dance and Sacred Music have been and still are seen as 'threats' to society,national security, 'proper' behavior and cultural purity among other 'ideals'.
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