Tuesday, June 7, 2011

THE 'SEARCH FOR SACRED DANCE(S)' has been also a search for 'SACRED MUSIC'

but neither have, as yet, been of the depth or of the scale really needed to arrive at what might be called, 'THE DIVINE SOURCE' for many aspects of music and dance have to be left behind or ignored or one cannot reach such a goal. The 'glamour' of both dance and music can ensnare the most ardent seeker, misdirect his aims or keep him from an experience of REALITY. In my examination of THE FOURTH WAY, which began years ago, I recall Ouspensky writing in his 'SEARCH FOR THE MIRACULOUS' finding a notice in a newspaper about a ballet titled,'TEH STRUGGLE OF THE MAGICIANS' which led him eventually to Gurdjieff.Ouspensky had returned from India and gave a series of lectures on his trips as well as writing articles on them for papers and journals. I mention this because, upon seeing a photo and an article on a Belly Dance Group and a new studio opening, I, too, have become aware of 'sacred dance & sacred music',even though I had been abroad in areas where such perhaps originated,right here and near where I live.... Due to globalization of nearly everything and electronic communication(usually superficial) as well as listening to the music Gurdjieff recorded and composed that are now available, I am now on a QUEST as a public access TV project and wish to explore other areas of personal interest along this line and similar lines. Whether or not others will look along this line of endeavor I do not knwo and where it will take me I do not know. Of course, "Going to Egypt & other lands) has long been a goal of mine but lack of funds prevents me plus huge bills accumulated from both daily and usual living weight heavily on my aims and ambitions and goals,etc. My ignorance of both music and dance,enormous as it is, as well as of art and languages and most everything else as well prevent me from making much headway along these lines....

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